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What is Places of Sanctuary Ireland?

Places of Sanctuary Ireland is a network of groups in towns, cities and local communities which share the objectives of promoting a culture of welcome, and inclusiveness right across every sphere and sector of society, so that wherever people seeking sanctuary go they will feel safe, find people who welcome them and understand why they are here, and have opportunities to be included in all activities.

PoSI works through community groups, schools and higher education
institutions, churches, local councils, businesses and other
organisations in the belief that these newcomers have a huge
amount to offer Irish society. We want to ensure that their voices are
heard and that their skills and talents are given an opportunity to
flourish for their good and for that of Irish society as a whole. PoSI is
not affiliated to any political or religious organisation, but is linked to
the wider City of Sanctuary movement which was established in the
UK in 2005 with a vision for making cities places that had a culture of
welcome and inclusion, especially for those seeking sanctuary.

Contact us here:

Places of Sanctuary Ireland,
2 St Andrew’s Street,
Dublin 2,
D02 PD30

Staff members details
National Coordinator: Tiffy Allen
[email protected]

Assistant Coordinator:
Homayoon Shirzad:
[email protected]

They will be pleased to help you to set
up a group, start a stream in your area, or
with any other enquiries.

You can also sign up to our newsletter,
and read our past newsletters
containing news from across the
network, campaigns updates and links
to resources and opportunities. If you
have something you would like to add to
our newsletter, please email it to
[email protected]

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