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University of Sanctuary Ireland  (UoSI) is a Places of Sanctuary Ireland initiative to encourage and celebrate the good practice of universities, colleges and other education institutes welcoming refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants into their university communities and fostering a culture of welcome and inclusion for all those seeking sanctuary. We want to spread this culture of welcome across the institutions of higher education all over the island.

One important aspect of being a University of Sanctuary is the Sanctuary Scholarships. These scholarships allow asylum seekers and refugees who do no qualify for state supports to access third level education. Typically asylum seekers, and refugees who have been in Ireland for less than three years are subject to pay high ‘Non-EU Fees’ in order to register for degree and masters programs in Ireland. 

A Sanctuary Scholarship allows potential students to enter Univesity without paying high ‘Non-EU Fees’

There are four Universities of Sanctuary in Dublin and surrounding areas.  DCU, UCD, Trinity College and Maynooth University are all Universities of Sanctuary. Students should apply for their course via CAO (the deadline has now passed for starting in the academic year September 2021). After applying through the CAO, potential students should apply for a Sanctuary Scholarship directly with the university. 

To apply directly to a University of Sanctuary in the Dublin area follow these links:

The Irish Refugee Council have made an excellent resource that includes suggestions on how to apply for Sanctuary scholarships

To learn more about the University of Sanctuary stream, visit the Universities of Sanctuary page on the Places of Sanctuary Ireland website.