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Dublin brainstorm: what we will do in 2018

City of Sanctuary Dublin called for a brainstorm meeting to its network to plan for the work to be done to spread the City of Sanctuary message in 2018. After reviewing the activities of City of Sanctuary Dublin in 2017 and hearing the journey of how Bristol became a City of Sanctuary, participants had a warm discussion exploring which service providers, community and religious groups should be invited to join in the movement, and how streams of sanctuary such as arts, gardening and sports might be able to connect with each other through the City of Sanctuary network.

The participants have agreed to the following working plan:

Step1.. A mapping exercise of services and resources available to refuges and asylum seekers in Dublin will be undertaken by TCD and UCD students,

Step 2..City of Sanctuary Dublin and its supporters will urge the identified service and resource providers to sign a resolution of support for Dublin to become a City of Sanctuary

Step 3..A meeting with social inclusion officers and area managers will be convened to request their support.

Step 4.. City of Sanctuary Dublin will seek for Dublin City Council to declare Dublin as City of Sanctuary.

City of Sanctuary Dublin would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) on Lower Baggot street for kindly providing the venue and services for our meeting.